What to Know About Kratom Addiction Treatment
Native to Southeast Asia, kratom is an herbal supplement that some people use to treat chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. When used responsibly and according to the directions, it is an effective, legal alternative to prescription drugs. When abused, however, kratom is addictive, with serious withdrawal symptoms like major depression.
Treatment is available, but many people don’t seek help because they’re embarrassed or afraid of being judged. If you or someone you know is struggling with kratom addiction and in need of treatment, contact a nearby rehabilitation facility for help.
How Do You Use Kratom?
Kratom is typically taken in pill form, but it can also be taken as a powder. It is most often mixed into a beverage for swallowing. The dose required for therapeutic effects depends on the type of kratom taken, but it can be as little as 1 to 5 grams. Kratom is also available in gel caps. It is legal at the federal level, but some states and counties have banned it. Kratom contains several active compounds, and a combination of these compounds produces the effects that users experience.
Is Kratom Addictive?
Kratom can be addictive. It has produced some serious physical withdrawal symptoms and dependency like those that occur with prescribed opiate medications. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have reported dozens of deaths following kratom use.
Tolerance to kratom can build up over time for people who use it regularly. Before you decide to quit using kratom abruptly, you need to be prepared for any withdrawal symptoms so that you can get the help you need.
What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms for Kratom?
Users may experience symptoms similar to those of withdrawal from other opioids. They may feel depressed and anxious, which can make it difficult to get through a day. Other symptoms include the following.
You may be unable to stay still and will likely feel anxious. You may also have trouble concentrating on tasks.
The anxiety that comes with withdrawal is likely to give you stomach pain and nausea. You may vomit if the symptoms are severe.
The agitation and upset stomach that come with withdrawal are likely to lead to diarrhea. You may also have a fever.
Restlessness and anxiety can keep you awake at night. It may be hard to go to sleep or stay asleep.
You may feel very angry or agitated during withdrawal. You may also feel like you want to harm yourself or someone else.
Mood Swings
Your mood can shift dramatically in a short period. This can make it difficult to know how you will react to everything around you.
You may feel very sad or depressed during withdrawal. This can be difficult to deal with because it can make you feel vulnerable and unmotivated to tackle daily tasks.
Signs of Kratom Addiction
People struggling with the abuse of kratom may experience many of the following symptoms, which can be signs of addiction.
Withdrawal Symptoms
There are several withdrawal symptoms that occur when kratom use is discontinued. Stimulation of the brain’s pleasure centers means that kratom users feel intense cravings and painful withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop. The most common withdrawal symptoms include depression, anxiety, and irritability.
If a person uses kratom regularly, they will develop a tolerance to the substance. This means that they need larger and larger amounts of it to get the same effect. They will also begin to develop withdrawal symptoms when they stop.
A person who is addicted to kratom may find that they have to use the drug regularly, or they will experience adverse effects. They may get high every day, even if they don’t plan on doing so.
Lack of Motivation
A person who is addicted to kratom may have difficulty completing tasks that used to require motivation because of absentmindedness and physical discomfort. They may also find it difficult to think clearly, or they may become distracted.
Kratom cravings are stronger and more frequent than cravings for many other drugs. Users will continue to use the drug repeatedly to stop the cravings.
Poor Lifestyle
A person who is addicted to kratom is more likely to neglect their personal health and well-being. They may stop caring about how their lifestyle affects them physically, which can degrade their quality of life.
Loss of Interest in Activities
A person who is addicted to kratom may find that other interests in their life are not as engaging or fulfilling as they used to be. They may continue using the drug because it makes them feel better.
Kratom Addiction Treatment
If a person is struggling with an addiction to kratom, these treatment options are available.
Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient treatment means that a person is required to check into a rehab facility and be away from their family, friends, and the environments that are associated with using kratom. An inpatient rehab center offers anonymity, peer support, and many professionals on staff who can provide help. It provides a safe environment for someone who is struggling with addiction.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is a more traditional method of drug addiction treatment, allowing a person to come and go as they wish. A program is put in place to address the individual’s needs, and they can gradually begin to pursue healthy changes in their lifestyle without needing to be away from home. A relapse is likely, however, if the client does not maintain a safe environment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy may be particularly useful for kratom addiction treatment because it focuses on the way clients think about themselves, the world, and their lives. It may be used in conjunction with other therapeutic methods and can help a person set goals and learn how to achieve them.
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing can be a particularly useful method of treatment because it helps clients to understand the benefits of making changes and encourages them to continue working on their recovery.
Group Therapy
Many group therapy sessions focus on the physical and social effects of addiction to kratom. They may be for individuals who are struggling with addiction or for those who are seeking to recover from it. Group therapy sessions can be helpful for people who are trying to overcome any problem because they are encouraged to talk about their struggles and learn from the experiences of others.
Many people have tried meditation to stop using kratom, and it can be beneficial in other ways as well. It encourages self-awareness and can be used to help replace negative thought patterns with more positive ones. It encourages calmness and can be used with other forms of treatment to improve results.
Helping a Loved One
As with other addictions, a person struggling with kratom addiction may need the help and support of friends and family. If you know someone who is struggling, there are several ways you can help them.
Support the Recovery Process
It can be difficult for a loved one to admit that they have an addiction and accept help. If you know someone who needs help, try to offer them encouragement and support. Tell them that you are there for them and that you want to help in any way possible. You can attend counseling sessions with them or offer any other support that is useful.
Refer to Treatment Options
If your loved one is reluctant to get treatment, or you are afraid that they will use drugs improperly while under treatment, you can help by referring them to a treatment center. You can let them know that you want to help and that you are worried about their health. You can encourage them to meet with a treatment professional to explore their options.
Keep Yourself Healthy
It is important for the health of your loved one that you do not use kratom yourself. When you are around them, be mindful of the environment and how it might affect them. Avoid enabling their addiction by offering them drugs, money, or anything else they might use in a harmful manner.
The Advantages of Treatment Centers
There are several benefits to choosing a rehab center over self-help or other methods.
Trained Professionals
The teams at treatment centers consist of professionals who are trained in all aspects of drug addiction. They can offer a wealth of information and guidance to clients who may not know where to turn. They can assist with setting up an individualized treatment plan and will help to monitor whether their clients’ needs have been met.
Conducive Environment
Treatment centers provide a rich diversity of approaches to treatment. This can be helpful in finding the right treatment plan for the needs of individuals. Additionally, many centers are located in areas that are beautiful and relaxing and can offer a retreat-like experience.
High-Quality Care
Treatment centers are provided with the latest technology to achieve excellent results. If a person is having difficulty with their sobriety, they will likely not enjoy the experience while they are struggling. Many treatment centers offer a high level of comfort so that a person can focus on recovering.
Finding Treatment Centers
When looking for treatment centers, there are a few basic steps that you can take.
Find Out About Insurance Coverage
If you have insurance coverage for treatment, it is important to understand what your plan covers. You may need to check your policy and talk to your provider about what methods are covered and where you can go for treatment.
Research Treatment Centers
It is important to research treatment centers before making a decision. Many people who are struggling with drug addiction will prefer to find their own treatment path, so it is essential that you know what options you have.
Find a Rehabilitation Center
When you find the treatment center that is best for you, schedule an appointment with a specialist. They can help to determine your treatment path and answer any other questions you might have. You can expect to be assigned a case manager who will assist you throughout your stay at the center.
Kratom addiction may be difficult to deal with, but it can be fully treated if you understand its symptoms and signs. Addictions should never be ignored, even if they don’t cause noticeable damage. If kratom use is affecting your life or the life of a loved one, you need to seek treatment as soon as possible. Contact a treatment center today and receive the help you need to recover and stay sober.