How Drug Rehab Works in South Dakota
In recent years, the medical community has made great strides in understanding and treating addiction. Previously, much was made of the distinction between physical addiction and so-called psychological addiction. These days, addiction professionals are generally proponents of the biopsychosocial model of addiction.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a treatable, chronic disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. A person is addicted when he or she continues to maintain a heavy substance abuse pattern in spite of serious consequences. These consequences might be personal, medical, or legal in nature. Family and work responsibilities may go by the wayside.
Addiction is classified as a progressive disease. This means that addictions gradually worsen over time. Often, the ill effects of drug use are fairly mild at first. Over time, these effects build up until they can become life-threatening.
Fortunately, there are plenty of great resources for people to receive addiction treatment in South Dakota. If there’s one thing that brings Dakotans together, it’s a broad desire to help people. Unfortunately, too many people fail to seek the help they need to overcome their drug problems. If fear of judgment is keeping you from seeking help, you need to know that at rehab, you can be sure to find compassion and true acceptance.
Over the course of the past two decades, South Dakota’s economy has grown dramatically. This has led to a more diverse, cosmopolitan population. Recreational opportunities and the arts scene thrive throughout the state. Sadly, with urbanization and growth has come an uptick in illicit drug use. Traffickers routinely bring dangerous substances into the state. Every year, South Dakota police confiscate large amounts of methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl. However, most such shipments make their way onto the streets.
In the Dakotas and around the nation, people are adopting a more compassionate attitude toward community members struggling with addiction. It’s far less common for stakeholders to view South Dakota’s drug problem as solely an issue of law and order. Instead, people are viewing addiction as a medical issue, and addicted individuals are increasingly receiving the help they need to recover.
What Is at Stake
Substance use disorder is one of the most serious problems facing our society today. Experts have estimated that drug addiction costs the United States at least $1 trillion every year. This staggering sum is equal to about 5% of the national GDP. However steep, this cost pales beside the personal costs associated with addiction. Addiction doesn’t just affect the person misusing substances. Friends and neighbors also suffer. It’s no secret that addiction routinely leads to estrangement and divorce.
Fortunately, the medical community has a brief range of tools for getting people sober for good. By seeking professional help for yourself or a loved one, you could be taking the first step toward healing your troubled family. Clinical rehabilitation gives hope and rebuilds shattered lives. Through rehab, virtually anyone can become a productive member of society.
Too often, society tells people with addiction that they are tainted or lacking in moral fiber. Addiction recovery specialists know that plenty of good, decent people have fallen victim to substance use disorder. At rehab, you’ll find that staff members are generally kind, caring, and eager to help clients succeed. With sensitivity and professionalism, staff members will work with you to develop an effective treatment plan. Your treatment plan is more than a blueprint for your rehab stay. Each plan is carefully crafted to help you stay sober for life.
Benefits of Rehab and What to Expect
Whatever your history with drugs, moving forward with change remains an active possibility. It’s never too late to turn your life around. People of all ages use rehabilitation to create positive outcomes for themselves and their families. After treatment, rehab clients are often able to restore connections with estranged loved ones.
If you’re looking for professional addiction treatment, know that rehab can only help you heal yourself. Rather than “fixing” you, recovery professionals give you the tools to unlock your inner strength. Whatever the nature of your addiction, you can achieve sobriety if you’re willing to be honest with yourself and others. Perhaps for the first time in your adult life, you’ll be asked to open up and share things you’ve long hidden. Though taking the first step can be tough, radical honesty will likely leave you feeling freed and empowered.
It’s generally much easier to make these personal disclosures in an environment where you feel comfortable. Rehab team members go to great lengths to help clients feel welcomed. Rehab is a clinical environment where you can speak without fear of condemnation or ridicule. Though honesty is a big part of rehabilitation, you’ll never be pressured to share anything before you feel ready.
Types of Drug Rehab in South Dakota
Depending on your drug of choice, you might need to go through detoxification. Available in every inpatient rehab clinic, detox is the first step towards a drug-free life. During this process, your body drains itself of any chemicals that have accumulated in your system over time.
Because detox can be a trying process, many addiction specialists encourage detoxing in a medical facility. This can provide you with a quiet, monitored environment where you can rest and rebuild your physical reserves. You may find yourself sleeping a lot during detox. This reaction is perfectly healthy and normal. The detox process can last anywhere from 24 hours to a few days. For someone with a physical dependency on opioids, cessation of use can cause unpleasant symptoms that are reminiscent of the flu. Suppose you were quitting a benzodiazepine like Valium, for example. Detoxing on your own could be downright dangerous.
During detox, it’s common for clients to have strong cravings for the substance they just quit. That’s why people who detox on their own are very prone to relapse. At a medical detox center, you’ll have the support you need to make this process as painless and successful as possible.
Learning about triggers is one of the most important aspects of rehab. Put most simply, a trigger is anything that predictably causes you to feel a craving for mind-altering substances. Many rehab professionals use the acronym HALT for four of the most common ones. Relapse is more likely when you’re:
• Hungry
• Angry
• Lonely
• Tired
A trigger can be a particular sound, smell, or life habit. For example, a drinker might feel triggered by the simple act of watching sports. A former heroin user might feel triggered by seeing their dealer’s house. Not every trigger is entirely avoidable. Nevertheless, reducing trigger exposure can definitely limit your risk of relapse. Fortunately, triggers aren’t necessarily permanent. As one builds up sober time, things that used to be triggers can lose their power.
Rehab typically consists of a combination of individual therapy and group therapy sessions. You may learn about the full impact of addiction for the very first time. When the risks of drug use are painted in stark terms, this can help bolster your commitment to transforming your life. Rehab professionals will spare no punches in describing how drugs affect your mind and body. You’ll learn in detail how the long-term cost of drug use far outweighs any temporary euphoria.
Acquiring an addiction is typically a social process that occurs in the company of friends or family members. For many rehab clients, sober socializing is an unfamiliar custom. In rehab, you’ll have a safe place to relearn how to make friends in a wholesome, sober setting.
Aspects of the Rehab Experience
Every legitimate drug rehab in South Dakota uses evidence-based methods to treat dual diagnosis clients. Dual diagnosis (DD) is when you have substance use disorder along with one or more mental health diagnoses. Whether or not they realize what they are doing, people often start using drugs in an effort to self-medicate. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a common co-occurring condition for addicts. Though people typically associate PTSD with military veterans, people from all walks of life suffer from this disorder.
It’s also common for DD clients to suffer from clinical depression, eating disorders, and generalized anxiety disorder. In October 2021, 24.7% of South Dakota residents who responded to a survey reported symptoms of depression or anxiety. Addiction researchers now recognize that stabilizing mental health is a key part of achieving sobriety. Working in consultation with medical doctors, rehab staff will make sure any mental health symptoms you have are properly treated.
Transitioning Out of Rehab
Hollywood movies routinely show rehab clients completing their stays in four weeks. In real life, there is no one rehab length uniformly ideal for all clients. Though you’ll be physically free to leave at any time, you’ll naturally want to follow the guidance of the treatment staff. Your rehab will keep you safe until you can leave the facility without jeopardizing your sobriety. Optimal stay length depends on a variety of factors, including your drug of choice, the length of your drug habit, and your situation at home.
The time needed for successful rehab could be anywhere from four weeks to several months. It’s not unknown for clients to receive inpatient treatment for six months or even longer. Instead of thinking of your rehab stay as a burden, think of it as an investment in your future. After you complete rehab, you’ll have the rest of your life to pursue worthy goals. Your rehab staff will do everything possible to set you up to maintain sobriety long after you leave treatment. Before discharge, all clients receive customized plans for avoiding relapse. This plan may include outpatient addiction treatment, regular 12-step meetings, and professional counseling.
Rehabs often feature integrated 12-step recovery meetings. These meetings get clients used to opening up about their addictions and their emotions. Rehabs may hold 12-step meetings on their premises. Other times, facilities transport clients to these recovery meetings off-site. When you are released from rehab, you might want to pick a meeting place that isn’t too close to your home or workplace.
Once you’re in recovery, you might be amazed by the broad range of new opportunities you’ll have. With greater stability, in your life, you may be able to pursue education plans long deferred. You might be newly eligible for the job or promotion you’ve always wanted. To ensure your new outlook remains a permanent fixture, you’ll need to steer clear of any people or situations that jeopardize your newfound sobriety.
Rehab provides a safe, alcohol-free space where you can work on yourself. The stress of modern life is one of the triggers that can exacerbate alcohol cravings. Overloaded with tasks and duties, people often feel like they lack time to think deeply about their life trajectories. In the neutral environment of rehab, you can enjoy a setting perfect for reflection and renewal.